Windows 10 - The End?

Blog Post Title: Windows 10: The Countdown Is On

Windows 10, once the dominant operating system, is nearing its end of life. This means that Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or technical support for the platform. As a result, users will be exposed to increased security risks if they continue to use Windows 10 after its support has ended. You have plenty of time to prepare - Windows 10 support will not end until October 14th 2025 - but that doesn’t mean you should be complacent.

Why is Windows 10 Reaching its End?

Microsoft's strategy is to focus on newer operating systems like Windows 11, which offer advanced features and improved security. By discontinuing support for older versions, they can allocate resources to the development and maintenance of their latest offerings.

What Happens When Windows 10 Support Ends?

  • No More Security Updates: This means that any new vulnerabilities discovered in Windows 10 won't be patched, leaving users vulnerable to cyberattacks.

  • Limited Technical Support: Microsoft will no longer provide assistance with troubleshooting issues or resolving problems related to Windows 10.

  • Potential Compatibility Issues: As time goes on, newer software and hardware may not be fully compatible with Windows 10, leading to performance issues or functionality limitations.

What Should You Do?

  1. Upgrade to Windows 11: If your hardware is compatible, upgrading to Windows 11 is the safest option. It offers enhanced security features, improved performance, and access to the latest innovations. And you can guarantee that any computer bought in the last 3-4 years will be compatible. If you aren’t running Windows 11 already, now is the time to switch.

  2. Consider a Different Operating System: If your hardware is too old to support Windows 11, you may want to explore other operating systems like macOS or Linux. Or why not consider upgrading an older laptop to Chrome OS Flex and instantly turn it into a Chromebook.

  3. Plan for a Smooth Transition: If you decide to upgrade, you should ensure you have a backup of your important files and data. Research the compatibility of your software and hardware with the new operating system to avoid any unexpected issues.


The end of support for Windows 10 is an important milestone. It's time for users to assess their options and make a decision about their future computing needs. But if all of this makes you alarmed - don’t be. The IT Guide can advise on upgrade plans, migrate your old data and ensure you are fully prepared for the future.


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